
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rebecca and Robert Bluestone tell Judith Strasser what their art forms have in common and how they both use color and a sense of place in their work.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sixty years after those Avant Garde composers of the 1920s, some Japanese musicians followed in their footsteps, exploring the outer reaches of sound with “noise music.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Would you like to sharpen your memory?  Science writer Joshua Foer tells you how to build an elaborate memory palace.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Linda Gray Sexton describes in vivid detail her own, lifelong battle against depression and suicide.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Is marriage great literary material?  That’s the question Jeffrey Eugenides plays with in his novel, “The Marriage Plot”. It’s a story about how reading can shape young minds. 

In this UNCUT interview, Steve Paulson talks with Eugenides about marriage, love, reading, the spiritual quest,...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Louise Barnett, author of tells Jim Fleming about the case of Captain Andrew Geddes, who was tried and convicted of slandering a fellow officer, even though the man was clearly guilty of sexually abusing his daughter. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

According to psychologist Meagan Curtis, the inherent sadness of the minor third is what we hear in music.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As a child, Michael Ondaatje took a long ocean voyage from Sri Lanka to England.  This is the seed of his novel "The Cat's Table."  He talks with Jim Fleming about the fine line between fiction and memoir.


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