
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Judith Farr tells Jim Fleming that Emily Dickinson had several gardens and a conservatory and wrote about flowers in her poems and in her letters.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joan Dye Gussow tells Anne Strainchamps what she eats, and why people should care about the political and environmental implications of their food choices.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jerry Aronson spent a dozen years filming the great Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and produced a documentary called "The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Luis Alberto Urrea tells Jim Fleming about the business of smuggling illegal aliens across the Arizona desert and the tremendous mortality rate of this dangerous passage.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson is a leading expert on the science of mindfulness. He's teamed up with the Dalai Lama to put Buddhist monks in brain scanners, and he's developing a new scientific model for studying emotion. In this EXTENDED interview, he talks about how his scientific work ended up changing his own life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Iraq war veteran John McCary offers his essay called "The Fallen," part of the National Endowment for the Arts project, Operation Homecoming.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What's it like to win a MacArthur "genius" award?  Fiction writer Karen Rusell tells Anne Strainchamps about the day she heard the news, and talks about her special blend of fantasy and realism in her short stories.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A discussion of what makes a successful children’s picture book.  Participants include: Kevin Henkes, Uri Shulevitz, and Barbara Barstow.


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