
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Leonard Zwilling tells Jim Fleming about boxing’s impact on the English language.  It’s yielded such words and phrases as fan, throw in the towel, and up to scratch.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Singer/songwriter Lisa Germano played violin for rock artist John Mellencamp.  Her own album, “Geek the Girl” contains a song, “The Psychopath,” based on her experiences with an obsessed fan.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Meg Graham is the co-author (with Alec Shuldiner) of “Corning and the Craft of Innovation.”  She says that Corning has a long tradition of nurturing innovation and accommodating eccentricity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jerry Apps is a rural historian and chronicler of country life. His book "Old Farm" is a kind of deep history of his land in Wisconsin.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Auster is both a film-maker and a novelist.  His new book is “The Book of Illusions: A Novel.”  It’s about a professor who discovers the work of a silent film comedian.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lucy Kaylin tells Steve Paulson that the average age of American nuns is seventy, and that many orders are folding.   

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Classical pianist Leon Fleisher was sidelined for many years by a medical condition that crippled his right hand.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Natalie Goldberg talks about the process of writing a memoir and tells Anne Strainchamps why it is her favorite genre.


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