
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Poet and writer Kenneth Goldsmith talks about his "Uncreative Writing" course in which students are penalized for showing any originality and creativity.  Goldsmith is the author of "Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the Digital Age."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A New York Times film critic talks about the role of film criticism in contemporary society.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Matthews talks with Anne Strainchamps about the sacred pre-Christian origins of many of our secular Christmas traditions.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jay Parini is a poet, novelist and teacher. He's also the author of "Promised Land: Thirteen Books That Changed America." He tells Jim Fleming that his is not a list of "great books" but rather books that significantly changed the literary climate of American culture.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Cain is the author of "Boomer at Midlife." He talks with Jim Fleming about being a boomer and the novel he wrote about it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Michael Perry talks with Anne Strainchamps about his life combining writing with the new "back to the land" movement...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jessica Lamb-Shapiro attended a conference of self-help authors featuring Mark Victor Hansen of "Chicken Soup for the..." fame.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Kaplan is a surgeon who specializes in emergency field treatment. “Groups like “Doctors without Borders” send him to war zones all over the world. His memoir is called “The Dressing Station: A Surgeon’s Chronicle of War and Medicine.”


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