
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ahhh, the sound of grizzly bears fighting over salmon in a tidal pool. Incredible! When you listen to those grizzly bears you are listening to one of the greatest, if not thee greatest, resource American has. It’s land. William Cronon says our land IS who we are. So it makes since, that in the 19th century a bold and visionary invention was created: the National Park. Cronon told Steve Paulson that National Parks are America's greatest invention.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matthew Brzezinski tells Steve Paulson that he was beaten and robbed soon after his arrival in Ukraine.  He says Moscow is a different planet than the rest of Russia.

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Journalist Mark Pendergrast talks with Steve Paulson about the cultural history of coffee.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Janey Buchan founded the Centre for Political Song at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland.  She plays several examples from the collection for Jim Fleming.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Author and playwright Michael Frayn talks with Steve Paulson about his play “Copenhagen” and the dramatic meeting between physicists Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in 1941. At issue is the degree to which Heisenberg was spying for the Nazis and his role in the development of a German atom bomb.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

 Katha Pollitt is a columnist for The Nation and a pro-choice advocate who believes it’s time to reframe the whole abortion debate.  As she points out in her new book, “Pro” – an American woman today may have a legal right to an abortion…. But that doesn’t mean she can get one. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jennifer Angus is an artist who finds insects so beautiful she uses them in her work. Anne Strainchamps visits with her in her studio.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Got World Cup fever? Here's Roger Kittleson on how Brazilian politics, culture and passion is wrapped up in soccer.


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