
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Why are most Danes and Swedes happy to get along without religion?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

K.C. Cole is working on a book about her friend Frank Oppenheimer. Frank was barred from practicing physics during the McCarthy era, and was deeply troubled by the devastation of the bomb.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mitchell is a literary virtuoso, best known for his 2004 novel “Cloud Atlas.”  He’s famous for the intricate structure of his novels - which weave together multiple narrators, interconnected stories and even different genres  - all within the same book.  He’s done it again with “The Bone Clocks."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In 2009, Eric Glatt did the unthinkable for an unpaid intern — he sued his employer, Fox Searchlight Pictures, alleging that they violated the Labor Department's standards for internships. He describes why he believes unpaid internships threaten workers everywhere.

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Kumail Nanjiani is a Pakistani standup comedian living in Chicago and performing a one-man show called "Unpronounceable."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Patricia O’Connor tells Jim Fleming there’s nothing wrong with splitting an infinitive and that people should stop trying to make English behave like Latin.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jim Fleming talks with Mairin Ui Cheide, a sean-nos singer. Sean-nos is old-style traditional singing where songs usually tell a story.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Keli Carender is a Seattle area blogger considered by many to be the very first Tea Party activist.  She tells Steve Paulson what the first protests were like.


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