
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Susan J. Matt talks to Jim Fleming about her book, "Homesickness: An American History." 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As a young man, Russell Razzaque was recruited by a militant Islamic student group.  He left and today he's a psychologist and authority on suicide bombers.

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Claressa Shields is one of the highest ranked fighters in the world. At the age of 17 she became the first American to win gold in Olympic Women's Boxing. To date, she has more than fifty victories and only one loss. So what's it like to be one of the toughest teen fighters in the world? Charles Monroe-Kane called Claressa to find out.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sarah Vowell is obsessed with presidential assassinations. She talks with Steve Paulson about the lingering mystery and drama surrounding the murder of Abraham Lincoln.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Roger Ebert won the Pulitzer Prize in 1975 and is probably the most famous movie critic in America.  He talks with Steve Paulson about the movie genre known as film noir.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Late in lafe, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara admitted the Vietnam War was a huge mistake, but he always avoided questions of personal responsibility. Docmentary filmmaker Errol Morris reflects on McNamara's struggle with his own conscience.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Falling in love is easy.  Staying in love for 30 or 40 years takes some skill.  Social psychologist Arthur Aron identifies some of the techniques devoted couples use to keep the spark alive.  Aron's the psychologist who figured out how to build intimacy in just 36 questions.  He gives us some more lab-tested tips for keeping the love you find.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Terry Ryan tells Jim Fleming that her mother loved crafting contest entries and matched her efforts to the tastes of specific judges. And we hear some of her winning verses.


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