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Chilean-born artist Alfredo Jaar has spent much of his career regarding the pain of others. He delves into issues like war or globalization with giant installations and photos. But his work does not take use a grand scale, instead, he drills down to one individual. His most famous work is 6-year project on the Rwandan Genocide called “The Rwanda Project.”

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Music critic Tom Moon is the author of "1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die: A Listener's Life List." Moon tells Steve Paulson why he chose what he chose and we hear some of his favorites.

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Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" was the rare book that changed how we think.  On its 50th anniversary, historian of science Tom Broman talks about Kuhn's legacy and we hear excerpts from Kuhn's book.

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What are you making? In San Francisco, two radio producers are collecting stories in a project called “The Making Of...” 

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Vince Staten tells Anne Strainchamps that barbershops give men a sense of community as well as haircuts and that nothing beats a barbershop shave.

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Celebrated novelist T.C. Boyle talks about his latest book, "The Harder They Come," which explores the roots of violence in America.

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The demographics of the United States are changing: how does the latest wave of immigration fit into the historical pattern?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The Book of Pythia is part of the sacred scrolls of the Twelve Tribes of Kobol and in the four seasons of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, The Book of Pythia plays a crucial role. This may be a fictional universe, but the book itself is real.


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