
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The Aleppo Codex, the oldest, most complete, most accurate text of the Hebrew Bible went missing? Where did it go?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Karl Marlantes served in the Marines in Vietnam, so he knows first hand what it means to go to war.  He talks with Jim Fleming about what we get right in training our soldiers, and what we get wrong when they come home.  This is an uncut version of the interview.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt says despite what we believe, our political beliefs aren't always as well reasoned as we think.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sapphire performs several of her poems and tells Judith Strasser why she enjoys working in some very old poetic forms such as the villanelle.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Zorba Paster is a practicing Buddhist and one of the Dalai Lama's personal physicians.  He talks with Anne Strianchamps about medicine and compassion.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stephen Thompson is the founder of the A.V. Club, the arts section of the satirical newspaper, "The Onion," originally based in Madison, Wisconsin.  Thompson eventually left Madison for Washington DC, to work at NPR as an editor and reviewer at NPR Music.     In this interview, Thompson tells Steve Paulson about the forces that drew "The Onion" staff to New York, and what it means to be an artist in the Heartland.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

2010 was a great year for documentaries, even if they weren't actually documentaries.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Senator John McCain says being respected is more important than being liked in Washington. He talks about his role models with Steve Paulson.


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