
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Poet Stephen Mitchell talks with Jim Fleming about classic creation stories from several major religious traditions.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In this dangerous idea, computational mastermind Stephen Wolfram wonders about the distant future of humanity, and what will happen when—not if!—humans achieve immortality.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robyn Meredith talks with Steve Paulson about China's embrace of capitalism and the Indian advances in providing telephone support services.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tilman Reiff, one of the inventors of “The Pain Station,” tries to explain to Steve Paulson why anyone would want to play a game that punishes poor play with physical pain.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Norwegian pianist Tord Gustavsen is a leading figure in Scandinavian jazz, famous for his meditative, almost prayful music. In his latest recording, he's collaborated with singer Simin Tander to reinterpret Norwegian church hymns and the poems of the Sufi mystic Rumi.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

So, is it society, nurture if you will, that creates the monsters among us or is it our nature? Enter the Fierce People - the indigenous Yanomamo Indians of the Amazon. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

William Powers wrote "Hamlet's Blackberry: A Practical Philosophy for Building A Good Life in the Digital Age" because he feared people were getting lost in their electronic worlds.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In Sacred Economics, Charles Eisenstein writes that we need to get our economic systems into alignment with our values. He says the indebtness, competition and scarcity leave us anxious and unhappy. In this extended conversation, he digs down to what he sees as the root of the problem with our financial system, and what we can do about it.


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