
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

<p>Climate experts are shocked by the rate at which greenhouse gases are rising.  New US government figures show CO2 levels have already topped experts' worst-case scenarios.  But if driving hybrids and switching to fluorescent bulbs isn't enough -- what is?  William Powers presents a vision of truly sustainable living in an off-the-grid, 12x12 cabin.</p>

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You may not know Shepard Fairey but, you probably know his work. In 2008 he created the now-iconic Obama HOPE poster.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Austin Kleon gives advice on how to "Steal Like an Artist."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For our 2008 hour on plagiarism and intellectual propriety, we remixed our interview on sampling and remixes with DJ Spooky.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Terry Tempest Williams reads from her book, "Red," and talks about the desert with Steve Paulson.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ronald Aronson is the author of “Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel That Ended It.”  Aronson recounts the relationship and the very public dispute between two of the twentieth century’s leading intellectuals.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

American Wendy Doniger holds two doctorates in Sanskrit and Indian studies from Harvard and Oxford. She’s the author of numerous books on Hinduism and has translated several Sanskrit texts. She’s widely considered one of the most important scholars on Indian religion in the world. So it might surprise you that there is one country in the world she can’t visit: India.

Doniger’s books have been targeted by Hindu Nationalists and by India’s ruling right-wing BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party). Her latest, “The Hindus: An Alternative History,” was the subject of a major lawsuit in India, and its publisher, Penguin Books India, not only pulled the book from circulation but destroyed all remaining copies. Since then, Doniger has received many death threats inside of India and no longer feels safe visiting there. But as she told Steve Paulson, her writing about Hinduism hasn’t changed in over 40 years. What has changed is India.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Salman Rushdie tells Steve Paulson about his very first memories of "The Wizard of Oz."


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