
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The Aleppo Codex, the oldest, most complete, most accurate text of the Hebrew Bible went missing? Where did it go?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Wagner James Au, who writes about video games for, tells Jim Fleming about “State of Emergency,” the game that lets you attack global capitalism.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As a growing number of people "come back from the dead" thanks to new resusitation techniques, there's are more stories of what it's like to die. In this discussion, doctors and scientists talk about trying to understand "near death experience."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anne Strainchamps and two pet owners have a session with Pet Psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick who claims to be able to communicate with pets, even after they’ve died.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As a young man, Russell Razzaque was recruited by a militant Islamic student group.  He left and today he's a psychologist and authority on suicide bombers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robyn Meredith talks with Steve Paulson about China's embrace of capitalism and the Indian advances in providing telephone support services.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Singer/songwriter Steve Earle was the Next Big Thing in alternative country music until heroin addiction and a chaotic personal life de-railed his career and almost killed him.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shane Harris tells Steve Paulson that our government is collecting masses of data on ordinary people in its efforts to catch terrorists.


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