How come many of the latest pop songs sound as if they could have been released decades ago? Music journalist Simon Reynolds tells Steve Paulson that our obsession with our immediate past could get in the way of future creativity.
How come many of the latest pop songs sound as if they could have been released decades ago? Music journalist Simon Reynolds tells Steve Paulson that our obsession with our immediate past could get in the way of future creativity.
Todd Robbins, “The Coney Island Wonder Worker,” talks with Anne Strainchamps about how he learned how to safely swallow swords and walk on hot coals.
Sounds from the Dane County Farmer’s Market, right here in Madison, Wisconsin. Our farmer’s market is the largest in the country.
Innovative dancer and choreographer Sally Gross is now in her late 70s. And though she was one of the dancers who revolted against the Martha Graham school of modern dance she says her most impressive feat was overthrowing something far greater: her own body.
There are moral and ethical issues that come up around war photography. Writer David Shields charged the New York Times with glamorizing war in photographs. Shields analyzed 100’s of pictures published on the front page of the Times and last year he wrote a book accusing the paper of making war beautiful. Charles Monroe-Kane sat down to talk with him.
David Gessner discovered the American West as a young man, and the huge mountains and wide open spaces changed his life. He recently took a road trip through the West, following in the footsteps of two literary heroes, Edward Abbey and Wallace Stegner. Gessner says their books help us see the West in all its complexity.
Stephen Barber is a surrealism expert who provides the commentary for a new DVD release of “Un Chien Andalou.” This was a short silent film made in 1929 by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali which still shocks viewers.
Fashion photographer David Jay recently sent us a book of his photos. The lighting was perfect. The settings intimate. The women, nearly naked, were gorgeous. As we looked at these beautiful images, something stood out – the mastectomy scars.