
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dean King tells Jim Fleming about the ordeal of Captain James Riley and his crew. They lost their ship and were enslaved by desert nomads for months.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Maybe the silver lining to any break-up is the soundtrack. You get the sad songs and the sorry songs. When you're tired of tears on your pillow and ready to revive, there are the angry break-up songs.

In this EXTENDED interview with producer Sara Nics, Jason Saldanha and Robin Linn of WBEZ's Sound Opinions talk blame, revenge and moving on.

WARNING: In this extended version, there is profanity in some of the lyrics.

Want to see the full list of suggested break-up song? Here it is.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

An algorithm might not be able to spit out a chart-topping song —at least not yet—but it might be able to help you write a best-selling novel.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sarah Lewis bookmarks "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Memory researcher Daniel Schacter tells Steve Paulson that you can be confident of your memory and still wrong, and explains other tricks our memories play on us.  

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

B.J. Novak's Dangerous Idea?  The artist Christo designing a roller coaster inspired by life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

There’s a MIT professor who wants to build a time machine. Grant McCracken is working on a conceptual device that will help us get to the future faster, by understanding the trends that are shaping the world to come.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neuroscientist David Eagleman says most of the brain's real action happens below the level of the conscious mind.  He calls the brain "a team of rivals," since different parts of the brain compete against each other.


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