
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a famous critic of Islam. She talks with Steve Paulson about why she believes Islam is inherently incompatible with Western values.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dr. Mark Clanton talks with Jim Fleming about new directions in cancer research and the new targeted treatment drugs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Deb Olin Unferth was swept up in the 80's revolution in Central American out of love.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eli Pariser is twenty two years old, and the International Campaign Director of MoveOn.Org.  He talks about what the Internet has done for the global Peace Movement, and why he considers their work against the war in Iraq successful.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We needed a working definition of the word “scoundrel”.   For that, we headed to lexicographer Erin McKean.  She’s the founder and CEO of the online dictionary Wordnik.  She was also the Principal Editor of The New Oxford American Dictionary.  Steve Paulson sat down with her.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner tell Anne Strainchamps that they felt almost psychically connected until they were in sixth grade and Pamela began hearing voices.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Memory researcher Daniel Schacter tells Steve Paulson that you can be confident of your memory and still wrong, and explains other tricks our memories play on us.  

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chelsea Vargas of Youth Radio provides a commentary about keeping in touch with teachers.


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