
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dalton Conley grew up in the housing projects of New York's lower East Side. But he went to school in a wealthy white neighborhood. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bill Ayers was a member of the Weather Underground, which set off a series of bombs around the country in protest against the Vietnam War. Ayers insists he was not a terrorist, since his objective was never to kill people. He believes his own actions showed restraint in comparison with the enormity of the harm he believed the Vietnam War was causing.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brent Silby teaches philosophy in Christchurch, New Zealand and is the author of an article in "Philosophy Now" magazine called "The Simulated Universe."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Emily Rapp had her foot amputated when she was 4, and the rest of the leg at age 8.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Katha Pollitt's Dangerous Idea?  Your child is not a special snowflake.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In his book "Back to Our Future" David Sirota says the proof is in the staying power of 80s pop culture.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Doug Gordon reports on the TV phenomenon "Lost."  He offers some explanations about why it's so popular and has some theories about the island.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Whether or not you're a person who cares about fashion, how and where our clothes are made has environment, social, and economic consequences. The global garment industry is a trillion dollar business, that employs millions of people. Elizabeth Cline is an advocate for so-called "slow fashion."


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