
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dave Perry is the game developer who worked with the Wachowski brothers to create the videogame for “The Matrix Reloaded.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Playwright and actor Eric Bogosian has written a novel, “Mall.”  It’s a satire about the suburbs involving the activities of several unappealing characters who interact at the local mall.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Hillman almost lost his chance for a PhD when his doctoral committee questioned the part of his dissertation on recreational drug use in antiquity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Stubbs argues that new music doesn't get the same respect as new art.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Cognitive psychologist Chris Moulin is studying the strange experience of deja vu.  For some of his patients, the feeling of deja vu can be crippling.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A Pakistan school is de-radicalizing  Taliban boy soldiers, many of whom were forcibly recruited.  Psychologist Feriha Peracha directs the experimental program.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dan Shapiro tells the story of his long fight with Hodgkin’s Disease which prompted his mother to cultivate marijuana to help him cope with the nausea of chemotherapy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eric Nuzum's memoir, "Giving Up the Ghost," is a true story about feeling haunted -- by a ghost, a girl, and his past as a troubled teen growing up in the wasteland of American suburbia.


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