
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sci-fi writer Eileen Gunn bookmarks Nisi Shawl's "Filter House."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Charles Limb is a surgeon and musician who researches the way creativity works in the brain. He puts jazz musicians inside an fMRI to find out what the brain does during musical improvisation.

Watch Charles Limb's TED Talk here

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Cognitive psychologist Chris Moulin is studying the strange experience of deja vu.  For some of his patients, the feeling of deja vu can be crippling.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bill Siemering, NPR’s first Director of Programming and President of Developing Radio Partners, tells Steve Paulson how communities in the developing world are using radio as a community development tool.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Elisabet Sahtouris has no truck with Biblical creationists but thinks the standard story of evolution has major problems.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brian Palmer is a veteran journalist and foreign correspondent. He embedded with the First Battalion/Second Marines three times between 2004 and 2006. He's now made a documentary film called "Full Disclosure," about the experience. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Every year TED awards a prize and in 2012 it didn't go to a person, but to an idea: The City 2.0

Anderson explains why, and what the prize makes possible.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are you feeling a little cynical? Maybe a little down? Have no fear, we have a documentary to cure what ails you. It’s called “The Gnomist.” As in garden gnomes. And if you think this is some sort of post modern ironic bait and switch you could be no further from the truth. Our producer Charles Monroe-Kane caught up with the film’s director, Sharon Liese, to find out what happened with garden gnomes along the Tomahawk Creek Trail in Overland Park, Kansas.  A place now dubbed The Firefly Forest.


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