
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

It can be awkward to receive gifts. Especially if they’re gifts you don’t really want. The same goes for help.

Haddayr Copley- Woods has been grappling with how to handle unwanted help since she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Great Britain is one of the first countries to create "a gross national happiness index" - thanks largely to Lord Richard Layard.  He says economics should focus on what makes people happy.

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What's it like to be part human and part machine?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bart Plantenga tells Steve Paulson about the global reach of yodeling – from Switzerland to Africa to popular music and film...

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A compilation of Anne Strainchamps talking with Bill Penzey of Penzeys Spices about vanilla, fennel seed, and nutmeg.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For most of recorded history, bread has been the essential food. Darra Goldstein, editor of “Gastronomica” magazine, says you can’t overstate the significance of bread in human history.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Christopher Phillips tells Jim Fleming what happens at Socrates Café, and explains how he reveals the deep philosophical implications of everyday events.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dan Everett went to the Amazon as a young Christian missionary and became captivated by the Indian people he'd come to convert and their totally unknown language.


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