
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Some people believe there's a Mayan prophecy that the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012. What does the Mayan calendar really say? Mayanist David Stuart uncovers the real story.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Like a lot of great innovators, Ida Tin wanted something that didn’t exist, so, she built it. It’s a period tracking app called Clue, and the more you tell it—about your mood and your cycle—the more it can tell you about your reproductive health. On the surface, Clue is a tool for individuals to track menstruation. But Ida's real goal is nothing short of transforming women's health around the world. She’s part of a new wave of renegade thinkers who believe that everyday data can give everyday people more power over their lives.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Diana Reiss directs the Dolphin Research Program at the National Aquarium in Baltimore and is a professor in the Psychology Department at Hunter College.  She writes about her findings on dolphin intelligence in the book “Dolphin in the Mirror.”

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With more than a billion Muslims in the world, many of whom supposedly hate the U.S., why haven't there been more terrorist attacks?  Charles Kurzman says the important story about Muslim terrorism is how little of it there is.

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Sheri Booker was terrified when she first started working at the Wylie Funeral Home at the age of 15. She was still grieving the death of a beloved aunt, and took the job in the hope of finding a sense of closure. After preparing her first client — a suicide victim with a gunshot wound to the head — something changed. As morbid as it may sound, she was hooked.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eric Lax has had regular conversations with Woody Allen over the past 36 years which he's turned into a book called "Conversations with Woody Allen: His Films, the Movies and Moviemaking."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Graphic novelist Chris Ware talks with Anne Strainchamps about the hard work of making comic books. Ware is the author of "Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Commentator Aubrey Ralph is bipolar, and says he has been living in a storm for most of his life...


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