
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Doug Stanhope replaced Jimmy Kimmel as the host of “The Man Show.” He tells Steve Paulson that the show is a dumb joke on men that no one should take seriously.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Film-maker David Lynch is a long–time practitioner of Transcendental Meditation...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Clayton Eshleman is a poet who’s turned his poetic sensibility loose on the paleolithic cave drawings at Lascaux in France.  He talks about these drawings represent shamanic spirit journeys and rituals.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Frans de Waal talks with Jim Fleming about chimps, who can be aggressive and violent, and bonobos, who are mama's boys and like sex.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brother Satyananda and Deborah Willoughby tell Jim Fleming that yoga is much more than an exercise program. It’s meant to be a union of body and mind.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Deborah Harkness has transmuted her expertise in early alchemy and Elizabethan magic into a pair of best-selling novels, A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night.  We talk with her about the connections between magic and science.

To hear an EXTENDED interview with Deborah Harkness, LISTEN HERE.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Daniel Pauly tells Steve Paulson that technological changes in the modern fishery are wiping out vast populations of fish.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Death is not a single moment; it’s can take hours – and some people live again after they die. So says resuscitation physician Sam Parnia. This UNCUT interview with him ranges from the new science of reversing death, to near death experiences, and the possibility of consciousness after death.  


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