
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lacey Schwartz was raised in a white, upper middle class, Jewish household in upstate New York. After going off to college she uncovered a closely guarded family secret — she was biracial. Lacey chronicles the revelation and her own search for identity in the documentary Little White Lie.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Dan Chaon talks about his new book of non-supernatural ghost stories, "Stay Awake."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eddie Lenihan tells a story told to him by the foreman of a road construction crew in Ireland.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Franklin Foer tells Steve Paulson how soccer's international popularity leads to exchanges of players and coaches among many countries...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chang-rae Lee is a Korean-American and the author of “Aloft.”  He reads a bit from the novel.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Billie Whitelaw was Samuel Beckett’s favorite actress and appeared in his plays for over twenty years.  She tells Steve Paulson she never understood the plays but thinks Beckett’s a genius.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tufts Medical School psychiatrist Daniel Carlat believes psychiatry is in crisis.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eoin Colfer is the author of the Artemis Fowl books.  There are five of them now. The latest on is called "The Lost Colony."


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