
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anthony Horowitz has written dozens of books for children, including the teen superspy series featuring Alex Rider.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Clay Shirky is an internet expert and author of "Here Comes Everybody." He tells Steve Paulson how wide acceptance of social networking sites has dramatically changed our expectations of the media and even the role of journalism.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Brooks tells Steve Paulson the old ways of schools need to change.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ayelet Waldman talks with Jim Fleming about maternal ambivalence and loving children when you don't like them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What if you could take a pill or download netware to supercharge your brain? Physicist Michio Kaku says augmented intelligence and memory playback systems are the future of brain science.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Composer Philip Glass says he was transported by "The Wayfinders" - Wade Davis' celebration of indigenous cultures.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff talks about his new book, "Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now."


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bruce Watson tells Steve Paulson why Erector Sets were so huge. They reflected the spirit of America’s Industrial Age, and A.C. Gilbert marketed them directly to boys.


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