
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Kilcullen, an advisor to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and an architect of the Troop Surge in Iraq under General Petraeus, talks about the problem with traditional counter-insurgency efforts.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You wouldn’t think the novel “Lolita” would go over big in an underground women’s book club in Tehran. But literature, like the people who read it, has a way of surprising you.  Azar Nafizi is the author of the celebrated memoir “Reading Lolita in Tehran.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Erik Prince defends Edward Snowden. He says the US should drastically cut military spending. He believes the US War of Terror has gone too far.  His biggest regret in life? Working for the State Department. And that's just the tip of the iceberg  from this uncut Steve Paulson interview with the founder of Blackwater - a group many say was the leading mercenary organization in the world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychologist Dean Simonton tells Jim Fleming why startling discoveries are often made by young scientists. He says you can jump start your creativity by changing careers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Steve Almond recommends "Stoner" by John Williams.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ritu is a London based DJ who’s compiled a new collection called “The Rough Guide to Bollywood.”  She describes the booming Indian movie business.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Burkhard Bilger tells Steve Paulson how to catch catfish with your bare hands; describes the delights of eating squirrel brains; and chronicles the exploits of some Southern marbles champions - the Rolly Holers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Duncan Watts is the author of "Everything Is Obvious*: *Once You Know the Answer."  He tells Jim Fleming how common sense often fails us.


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