
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Fred Pearce tells Steve Paulson he went to over 30 countries and discovered people are simply taking too much water out of the world's river systems.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Father Abuna Elias Chacour is a Palestinian, Arab, Christian Israeli. He runs the Mar Elias Interfaith Institution, which teaches students up to 50 years old principles of religious toleration.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chrisoula Andreou is a philosopher at the University of Utah who also contributed an essay to "The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination"...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Our final interview in today’s show has nothing to do with collecting – unless you consider winning two presidential campaigns a collection of two wins. David Axelrod was the chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns and recently stopped by our studio to talk about the art of running for office.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In Connie Willis' world, historians can actually go to the past to study.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

How exactly does social media allow someone in say, Tunis, to overthrow their government?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychologist Carol Gilligan tells Steve Paulson that her work with teenage girls has shown her that Americans cling to “tragic histories” and have forgotten how to experience joy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jon Ronson's Dangerous Idea -- Can Too Much Christmas Drive Kids to Kill?


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