
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Barry Unsworth says that the layers of history are tangible on Crete, and talks about some of the island’s mythic figures.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eric Idle is a former member of the Monty Python comedy group and is now touring solo across America. When his tour stopped in Madison, he talked about death and comedy with Doug Gordon.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sociologist Doug Maynard talks with Anne Strainchamps about the different styles of sharing bad news and how sometimes the speaker’s style can undermine the content of the message.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For as closely linked as the voice is to our body and sense of identity, there are also a lot of external forces affecting our voices, both social and technological. In fact, when we're talking about mediated voices—voices we hear in music, film, and of course, on the radio—we're actually not talking about "voices" any more. We're talking about signal processing. And, as media historian Jonathan Sterne tells Craig Eley, signal processing shapes the sound of all vocal media, from your telephone calls to the music of T-Pain.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

He sounded the alarm about global warming over 20 years ago. Now he has a model of how to survive on our changed planet.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

LaNiyah Bailey didn't like being bullied in school.  When she was 6 years old she decided to do something about it.  She wrote a book.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

 Samuel Delany’s review of “Call me Ishmael” by Charles Olson.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In this UNCUT interview, Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman talks with Steve Paulson about his latest book, Thinking, Fast and Slow.


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