
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Wyatt has written a 9-11 memoir called “And the War Came.” He reads selections and talks with Anne Strainchamps about the effects of 9-ll on his family.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman is fascinated by the way memory shapes our sense of self.  But he says our memories can be quite different from what we actually experience.

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Bond got scared when he received a letter from the government saying they'd lost his newborn daughter's data. He decided to see if he could disappear himself.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Carlos Ruiz Zafon tells Jim Fleming that his recent books are part of a sort of Chinese box set of four inter-related novels involving the same characters and his native city of Barcelona.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For weeks, hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors occupied the State Capitol of Wisconsin.  They ate there. They slept there. And they wrote there.  Among them was sleep-in activist and blogger, Christie Taylor.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Erik Larson talks about the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 and what it meant for Chicago at the turn of the century, and talks about America’s first serial killer who was operating in Chicago at the same time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Brendan Koerner reviews Yukio Mishima's classic novel, "Confessions of a Mask".

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We tend not to talk about death much in North America. Maybe we just don’t have the words to contain something so visceral. Maybe images are a better way to explore or express our mortality, and our feelings about it.

In a recent body of work, photographer Sarah Sudhoff helps us take a close look at death. In the NEW and EXTENDED interview, Anne Strainchamps talks with Sarah Sudhoff about ‘At the Hour of Our Death’.


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