
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Barack Obama talks with Steve Paulson about his self-image and success.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Astronomers have detected strange light patterrns around a star 1500 light years away. The usual explanations fall short, so Jason Wright says one possibility is a massive structure created by an advanced alien civilization.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dean Ripa owns and operates the Cape Fear Serpentarium. He spent decades trekking the world hunting examples of the most venomous reptiles alive.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Angie da Silva is a historian of black cultural life in the United States, going back to the Civil War. She collects stories, both through oral history and archival research. But she's not merely a writer. She brings these stories to life through historical reenactment, often as a slave character she's created named Lila.  She says that the stories she hears and tells are too often left out of our history books.

In this interview, she talks about her work and tells the story of Mary Meachum, a free black abolitionist who worked on the Mississippi in St. Louis.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dr. Olivier Ameisen was a cardiologist until his alcoholism left his life in tatters. He found relief with the a drug that eliminates his cravings for alcohol.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychologists John and Julie Gottman are famous for being able to predict with 94% accuracy whether a couple will break up, stay together unhappily, or stay together happily. In their Love Lab, they've identified hidden patterns of behavior that can strengthen or weaken relationships. If we'd known the secret to a good marriage was non-linear differential equations, we might have paid more attention in math class.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

NPR's former Senior News Analyst Daniel Schorr talked with Steve Paulson about the audacity of politicians in 2008.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Is the experience of wonder always unexpected? Or can we create opportunities for wonder?

Internationally acclaimed sound, video and installation artist Janet Cardiff weighs in.

You can also hear the extended interview with Cardiff here.


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