
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist Naomi Klein is in Paris covering the Climate Summit. She says if we're serious about climate change, we need to confront capitalism itself.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chris Thomas King played blues legend Tommy Johnson in the film “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” His tune on the soundtrack won 3 Grammy Awards. King sees his music as a bridge between the worlds of hip hop and the Blues.

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Jazz musician Ben Sidran talks with Jim Fleming about the tremendous influence Jewish immigrant composers and songwriters had on American popular music.

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Charles McGrath thinks comic books or graphic novels are becoming a legitimate art form that will probably continue to evolve.

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Anne speaks with Claire Tomalin, Austen's biographer. They talk about Jane Austen and the contemporary fascination with her.

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<p>Novelist, actor, screenwriter and playwright Ayad Akhtar talks about growing up in a Pakistani-American household in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.</p>

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Music historian Henry Sapoznik tells the story of Blind Alfred Reed and one of the early American protest songs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nick Bantock bookmarks "The Fencing Master" by Arturo Perez-Reverte.


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