
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ayaan Hirsi Ali may be the world’s most famous critic of Islam. Born a Muslim, Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands where she eventually became a member of Parliament...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Leavitt is the author of a novel called "The Indian Clerk" which tells the story of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the uneducated Indian who amazed Cambridge University with his mathematical discoveries.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Benjamin Nugent is the author of "American Nerd: The Story of My People." He tells Jim Fleming there are two main categories of nerds and something about their history and the different nerdy subcultures.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Alissa Quart Recommends Elena Ferrante's "Days of Abandonment" and Elizabeth Hardwick's "Sleepless Nights."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What if Crack Babies were a myth?

To see the NYTimes video on Crack Babies click here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Storyteller Carolyn McVickar Edwards has a lovely little collection called "In the Light on the Moon."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Daniel Radosh is married to a woman whose family is born-again Christian. They took Radosh to a Christian rock festival and introduced him the world of Christian pop culture.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A researcher stumbles on a key to rapid evolution in this story by Jeff Bauer.


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