
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nicholson Baker talks about his new novel, "House of Holes: A Book of Raunch," which is set in a sexual theme park.

Nicholson Baker's "House of Holes" page on Simon and Schuster's website


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For TTBOOK host Anne Strainchamps her only encounters with guns happened in the pages of crime fiction -- usually, stories featuring women. Give her a woman and a gun and she was there for 200 plus pages.   Kinsey Milhone, VI Warshawski, Miss Marple, Nancy Drew…She could name dozens of fictional female crime fighters -- but not one real-life woman detective.  

That was until she picked up historian Erika Janik’s latest, “Pistols and Petticoats.”   It’s the story of how women moved from crime solving in fiction to the real world.   

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rajiv Joseph is a New York playwright. He tells Jim Fleming he wrote “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo” based on a small newspaper story...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The clay tablets found at the Greek palace of Knossos had one of the strangest languages ever discovered.  Margalit Fox tells the story of Linear B - and the obsessed, tragic lives of the two people who devoted their lives to cracking the code.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Can you actually see creativity in the brain?   Neuroscientist Rex Jung describes brain imaging studies of creativity in action.

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jane Yolen likes to re-invent the stories about King Arthur.  In her version, it’s Guinevere who first pulls the sword from the stone!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Moskowitz makes political ads. Moskowitz tells Steve Paulson about how political ads are made and about the art of the attack ad.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In her latest book, "This Changes Everything," journalist Naomi Klein takes a critical view of our current approaches to climate change. She sees the solution resting in the hands of an emerging global movement.


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