
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jason Roberts tells Anne Strainchamps about James Holman, who traveled all over the world in the nineteenth century and wrote travel books, despite being blind.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

If your mind is nothing more than brain chemistry, do you have free will?  Neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga says new brain science should change our thinking about this old philosophical question.

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Holmes is fascinated by what he calls "The Age of Wonder." The subtitle of his book is "how the romantic generation discovered the beauty and the terror of science," and he tells Steve Paulson about how Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" came directly out of the scientific climate of the time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Justin O. Schmidt has been stung by nearly every insect with a stinger, from the benign honeybee to the viscious tarantula hawk wasp. He is a research biologist and professor at the University of Arizona school of Entomology and he told Steve Paulson about his creation, the Schmidt Sting Pain Index.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Winter. I am getting sick of this winter. It’s hard to get around. I’m never outside. I hate scraping and shoveling. . . And, I’m cold. And most likely you are cold too.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

American cross country ski champion Nina Kemppel tells Jim Fleming that winning an Olympic medal matters to every athlete who competes.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Once we’ve passed through hard times, it comes to picking up the pieces of our lives.

For Jonathan Cott - after 36 ECT sessions erased 15 years of his memory - that was a real challenge. 
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jeremy Seifert fed his family on pickings from the local dumpsters in Los Angeles California.  The adventure awakened him to the immense waste of food going on in America every day. The result is his documentary "Dive!" which tackles food waste in our throw-away culture.


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