
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Moskowitz makes political ads. Moskowitz tells Steve Paulson about how political ads are made and about the art of the attack ad.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Madeleine Albright tells Steve Paulson that being the first female Secretary of State was more of a problem within the U.S. than it ever was when she represented our interests abroad.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychiatrist Ned Kalin and psychologist Richard Davidson have found that cheerful people tend to have more left-brain activity while people with active right brains tend to be sad and pessimistic.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

American cross country ski champion Nina Kemppel tells Jim Fleming that winning an Olympic medal matters to every athlete who competes.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Patricia Goldstone talks about how global tourism intended to boost local economies can fuel local prejudice and frustration.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bernan McKinney received the first commercially cloned dog.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Pauline Chen talks with Jim Fleming about her medical training and how ill prepared it left her for dealing with issues like grieving families.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The music of avant-garde composer Philip Glass is distinct and memorable. His span reaches across opera and symphonies to film scores and popular music. One cannot exaggerate the influence this world-renowned composer has had on modern classic music. And now, at 78, Philip Glass has given us one more work to ponder: his memoir, called “Words Without Music.”


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