
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Musician and author Rae Spoon grew up as a girl. About ten years ago Rae came out as a transman. Then, a couple of years ago, they decided to retire... from gender.

You can also check out "Gender Failure" by Rae and Ivan E. Coyote.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jennifer Egan tells Steve Paulson all about her polyphonic narrative "A Visit from the Goon Squad."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss talks with Steve Paulson about the cosmology of the end of the universe. The big bang will also have a big finish!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Leleux talks about growing up gay, in Texas, with his plastic surgery junkie and drama queen of a mother, whom he adores and who is accompanying him on his book tour.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kamran Nazeer tells Anne Strainchamps about his own autism and about some of the other autistic children he went to school with and what happened to them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Michael Oren talks with Steve Paulson about how the Barbary Pirates brought the Marines to the shores of Tripoli and why they went into the Middle East six times during the 19th century.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Miles Hyman is Shirley Jackson's grandson. He's an artist who specializes in graphic novels and adaptations of classic literature. His latest book has a lot of personal meaning for him. It's a graphic adaptation of his grandmother's most famous short story, "The Lottery."  Hyman talks about how and why he took on this challenging task. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What exactly happens in the brain when you “decide” to do something?


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