
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Madeleine Albright tells Steve Paulson that being the first female Secretary of State was more of a problem within the U.S. than it ever was when she represented our interests abroad.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lee Harris responds to the question "is there really a clash of civilizations?"

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jeremy Seifert fed his family on pickings from the local dumpsters in Los Angeles California.  The adventure awakened him to the immense waste of food going on in America every day. The result is his documentary "Dive!" which tackles food waste in our throw-away culture.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Episcopal priest Matthew Fox tells Steve Paulson why the belief in Original Sin is destructive and leads to a culture of pessimism.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Baillie is the lead scientist at the Zoological Society of London and directs its new EDGE of Existence Program.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Musician and author Rae Spoon grew up as a girl. About ten years ago Rae came out as a transman. Then, a couple of years ago, they decided to retire... from gender.

You can also check out "Gender Failure" by Rae and Ivan E. Coyote.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

If your mind is nothing more than brain chemistry, do you have free will?  Neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga says new brain science should change our thinking about this old philosophical question.

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Steve Paulson talks with Judith Jones, legendary editor at Knopf, about discovering French cooking herself and her long friendship and partnership with Julia Child.


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