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Candacy Taylor talks about her book, "Counter Culture: The American Coffee Shop Waitress."

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Novelist Siri Hustvedt has an undiagnosed seizure disorder which afflicts her at unpredictable moments.

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What other sensory phenomena are out there, waiting to be discovered? A growing online community is watching and making videos to trigger a particular set of tingling sensations, and the calm euphoria that often follows them. Here's part of the story of ASMR. Who knows, maybe you have it too?

Hear Stephanie talk about having ASMR or listen in on Ilse's conversation about her experience with ASMR, and the book she's working on.

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Steve Almond tells Steve Paulson how his evolution as a writer began with a teenage obsession with Kurt Vonnegut. Though he hid that passion for years, he revealed it recently in his book "Not That You Asked."

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Steven Johnson is the author of several books including "Mind Wide Open" and "The Invention of Air." His new one is "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation."

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Conspiracy theories are like mushrooms. They pop up everywhere -- from celebrity Twitter feeds to the campaign trail. They can be crazy, hilarious, and weirdly convincing. But even the most wacko conspiracy theories are worth taking serious. To explain why, here's Steve Paulson talking with Jesse Walker, author of "The United States of Paranoia."

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Susan Krieger tells Jim Fleming how much she can actually see and what sight and vision have come to mean to her.

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Walter Simson is CEO of Infigen - a biotech company that uses nuclear transfer to create cloned pigs and cows.


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