
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sudha Koul is a Kashmiri Hindu living in the United States.  Koul says her homeland is the most beautiful place on Earth.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tyler Boudreau is a 12 year veteran of the Marine Corps who ultimately resigned his commission due to reservations over the legitimacy of the Iraq war.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sherwin Nuland tells Steve Paulson that Leonardo’s driving passion was anatomy and that his painting aimed to capture a particular moment in time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

When you talk about Japanese popular culture, there's one name that towers above all others.  Literally.  Godzilla.  The giant green lizard recently became an official Japanese citizen.  William Tsutsui knows all there is to know about this larger-than-life movie star; he's the author of "Godzilla on My Mind."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Producer Charles Monroe-Kane interviewed artist and barber Faisal Abdu'Allah in Madison, WI, at the Atwood Family Barber Shop.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Stephen Kuusisto is blind. He talks of what he remembers about visiting the seashore and a stable in Finland as a child.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Laura Van Den Berg has the kind of literary success writers dream of. Her debut novel comes out later this month, and already it's become one of the most anticipated books of the year. But for Laura, writing hasn't always been easy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Suprabha Beckjord runs as a spiritual practice. She's a follower of Sri Chinmoy, who believed athletics could enhance spiritual enlightenment. So he set up various weightlifting, swimming, and distance running events. His most famous - and most grueling - is the annual Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. The race, which exceeds the distance from Boston to Los Angeles, takes place around a half- mile loop in Queens, New York. Suprabha Beckjord ran those 3100 miles for 13 years in a row. Her fastest race was 49 days and 14 hours, an average or more than 63 miles a day. Rehman Tungekar talks with her.


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