
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A patriot is someone who loves and would fight for his or her country.   Does that include Edward Snowden?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Simon Singh is the author of “Big Bang.” He tells Jim Fleming that the theory is widely accepted now, but that there are still things we don’t understand.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Zach Helm wrote the screenplay for "Stranger than Fiction," in which Will Ferrell hears the voice of Emma Thompson apparently narrating his life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Democracy, politics and Pakistani rock and roll.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tim Friend has written a book about Archaea - a kind of microbe that doesn't fit into any of the traditional categories of life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

One more story from Walter Moskowitz, the last of the Bowery Scab Merchants. Walter tattoos 80 men in a day.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Around the country Governors of both parties are balancing their state budgets by making public sector employees pay more. Why?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dame Evelyn Glennie is considered one of the greatest percussionists alive today.  She’s also deaf. 

To watch/listen to her perform CLICK HERE.


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