The Redemption of General Butt Naked

To The Best Of Our Knowledge
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There's a biblical concept we’ve been talking about  – redemption.  The dictionary defines it as deliverance from sin.  Atonement for guilt.  But are there – should there be – limits to the kind of sins that can be redeemed? What about mass murder? 

One of the warlords who terrorized Liberia during the country’s 14-year civil war was a man who called himself “General Butt Naked.”  He ran a brigade of child soldiers – most of whom he’d kidnapped and taught to rape, cannibalize and torture.    In 1996, General Butt Naked converted to Christianity and laid down his weapons. 

Today, he goes by the name Joshua Milton Blahyi.  And with the war in Liberia over, he’s traveling the country as a preacher, asking for forgiveness from his victims. Filmmakers Danielle Anastasion and Eric Strauss spent 5  years following Blahyi around Liberia, making a documentary called “The Redemption of General Butt Naked.”  Anne Strainchamps wanted to  know if it’s really possible for a man who’s admitted to 20-thousand crimes against humanity… to change.