
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eli Pariser is twenty two years old, and the International Campaign Director of MoveOn.Org.  He talks about what the Internet has done for the global Peace Movement, and why he considers their work against the war in Iraq successful.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Philosopher David Chalmers is famous for outlining the "hard problem of consciousness."  In this EXTENDED INTERVIEW, he says the materialist framework of science will never be able to explain subjective experience - our thoughts and feelings, the expereince of joy or sorrow, self-awareness. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Recently 6 of the top 10 best- sellers in Iceland were his novels about a gloomy Inspector.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Clio Cresswell tells Steve Paulson that out of 100 possible partners, you’re mathematically likely to make the right choice if you pick the most attractive person who’s left after 37 dates.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dr. Mark Clanton talks with Jim Fleming about new directions in cancer research and the new targeted treatment drugs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Deb Olin Unferth was swept up in the 80's revolution in Central American out of love.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We needed a working definition of the word “scoundrel”.   For that, we headed to lexicographer Erin McKean.  She’s the founder and CEO of the online dictionary Wordnik.  She was also the Principal Editor of The New Oxford American Dictionary.  Steve Paulson sat down with her.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

"I was very uncomfortable with death for most of my life," says Karen Reppen says she ran from death and dying for most of her life. But after she decided to face her fears head-on by getting a job in hospice, she started to see the moment of death as a source of wonder and joy.


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