
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sam Kriss' Dangerous Idea?  Pleasantness is evil.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Deborah Pardes is the founder of the SIBL Project. SIBL stands for Songs Inspired by Literature.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Of course, After the Romance can also come break-ups. The silver-lining to any break-up? The soundtrack.

Robin Linn and Jason Saldanha of Sound Opinions join producer Sara Nics to talk about songs of rage, revenge and moving on.

Looking for the full list of suggested break-up song? Here it is.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Danielle Ofri is a practicing physician today.   It’s a life she owes in part to mentors like "Joseph Sitkin", who taught her as a resident..  In her essay “Intensive Care” from the book “Writer, MD” – she describes her time as a young doctor and the emotional price that can come with a license to practice medicine.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Scientists believe that near-death experiences are real, but there is much debate why they occur and what they might mean. Here's a quick primer on some of the leading thinkers in the field.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In an essay called "Fail," Chuck Klosterman examines the thinking behind the so-called "Unabomber Manifesto."

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Candacy Taylor is an award-winning photographer, writer and visual artist.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge


In this UNCUT interview, Katherine Boo talks about her much-lauded book, “Behind the Beautiful Forevers”.


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