
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dan Lamoureux is a self-described dork who produced and directed the documentary film "Nerdcore for Life."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Candace Pert's latest project is a CD of therapeutic words and music called “Psychosomatic Wellness.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The future of farming may be up in the air -- literally.  Microbiologist Dickson Despommier's concept of skyscraper farming has excited scientists, architects and politicians.  Could multi-story farms solve the global hunger problem?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Erik Davis, a fifth generation Californian, tells Jim Fleming that geographically and culturally, his state supports diversity and exploration.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Daniel Dennett is one of the leading advocates of evolutionary theory and a fierce critic of creationism.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neurosurgeon Charles Limb and jazz bassist Mike Pope talk about some groundbreaking brain imaging studies of jazz musicians while they improvise.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dr. Bill Bass is a forensic anthropologist and founder of The Body Farm at the University of Tennessee. It’s the one place in the world devoted to the study of human decomposition.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Aubrey Ralph explains his enthusiasm for the Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA.


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