
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

This book really got us excited. Everyone wanted to touch it. Borrow it. Talk about it. It felt like magic.And the title was just as mysterious – Codex Seraphinianus. And who is this Luigi Serafini?  Is he the author? 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Azhar Usman is a Muslim stand-up comic and part of the "Allah Made Me Funny" Comedy Troupe.  He tells Jim Fleming that he sees himself as belonging to a long tradition of socially conscious comedians.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Last summer's sleeper hit was a book by David Wroblewski called "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle." Wroblewski reads from his novel and talks with Jim Fleming about his life in Wisconsin as the child of a family who raised dogs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Canadian author and artist Douglas Coupland talks to Steve Paulson about his unconventional McLuhan biography, "Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work!"

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

According to Cesar Millan, dogs need exercise, discipline and affection, in that order.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brent Silby teaches philosophy in Christchurch, New Zealand and is the author of an article in "Philosophy Now" magazine called "The Simulated Universe."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chris Kilham tells Jim Fleming why deep, dark, bittersweet chocolate is a health food. It has more anti-oxidants than Vitamin C!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

More than 100 million people have Twitter accounts. Every moment, across the globe, they are posting thousands of short digital messages; that’s a lot of data.

Maybe it can help us keep an eye out for cultural change?


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