
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dominique Browning tells Anne Strainchamps that after her divorce, she took a perverse pride in letting her house fall apart. Eventually, she came back to life and started taking care of things again.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Christian Lander sees himself as an expert on "Stuff White People Like".

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nick Bostrom's Dangerous Idea? Societies should limit the development of harmful technologies while promoting beneficial ones.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Elizabeth Von Muggenthaler is president of the Fauna Communications Research Institute.  She shares samples with Jim Fleming of some of the amazing animal sounds her group has recorded.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Great Britain is one of the first countries to create "a gross national happiness index" - thanks largely to Lord Richard Layard.  He says economics should focus on what makes people happy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Physicist Clifford Pickover talks with Steve Paulson about Magic Squares and why people get hooked on them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Carolin Emcke tells Steve Paulson that what war survivors ask for most often is the chance to tell her their stories.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Benjamin Cavell reads a bit from a story called “The Ropes” - about an injured boxer - and talks with Steve Paulson about violence and masculinity.


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