
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Deborah Treisman is fiction editor of The New Yorker magazine. George Saunders is one of her star writers. Treisman and Saunders join Steve Paulson to talk about writing and publishing short stories.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ethan Watters is the author of “Urban Tribes.”  Watters says that the TV show “Friends” is a good example of the kind of social group he’s talking about.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Essayist Beverly Lapp explains what "The Star Spangled Banner" means to her as a Mennonite.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Even when there's no one else in the room, we're never really alone, argues Joshua Wolf Schenk.  We're in constant creative dialogue with the voices in our heads.  But we need solitude to hear them.  So this Valentine's Day, go spend some time alone!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What happens in your brain when you dance?  Frank Browning talks with scientists and choreographers in France and the U.S. about the "dancing brain."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

New York Times reporter Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for 15 years. He talks about why war is addictive and describes the sort of scenes that left him with post traumatic stress disorder.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Eddy Joe Cotton has been riding the rails for almost a decade. He tells Steve Paulson that the a hobo spends most of his life waiting for one of three things: a bottle, love and the next freight.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ayun Halliday tells Anne Strainchamps about being a young, hip Mom, and how motherhood is different from her expectations.


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