
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Danny Gregory tells Jim Fleming that film-strips became popular around the time of the second world war and were used for industrial training and in public schools.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brad Blanton tells Anne Strainchamps that speaking your mind, even when it’s rude, will result in deeper, more satisfying relationships.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Alain de Botton's latest project Is art as therapy. Feeling lonely? Stand in front of the Mona Lisa. Anxious about work? Caspar David Friedrich’s “Rocky Reef on the Seashore” will put everything in perspective. Anne talks with de Botton about his new book, free app, and… upcoming museum shows.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ethan Watters is the author of “Urban Tribes.”  Watters says that the TV show “Friends” is a good example of the kind of social group he’s talking about.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Cynthia Woodland’s tattoo has a story. It’s about being a young single mom. It’s about faith. It’s about Tyler.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A bit of DJ Spooky's "Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Theoretical physicist Marco Gleiser's Dangerous Idea?  We matter.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ryan DeCurtidor brings us this story of a couple breaking up during a mass exodus from Earth.


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