
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nobel Laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman talks to Steve Paulson about the two basic systems that drive the way we think.  Kahneman is the author of "Thinking, Fast and Slow.'

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Doug Gordon reports on the TV phenomenon "Lost."  He offers some explanations about why it's so popular and has some theories about the island.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are humans hard-wired to forgive?  Psychologist Michael McCullough's research traces the evolutionary roots of forgiveness and revenge.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Charles Monroe-Kane reports on Brian Dunn, who “finds” other people’s photographs and then keeps them. Some of the found photos are on our Web site. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian David Blight tells Jim Fleming that popular memory of the Civil War all but obliterated the liberation of Black Americans.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Edward Friedman tells Steve Paulson that the Chinese act as if they are already involved in a Cold War with the U.S.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ayaan Hirsi Ali may be the world’s most famous critic of Islam. Born a Muslim, Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands where she eventually became a member of Parliament...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michelle Wildgen recommends "Crossing to Safety" by Wallace Stegner.


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