
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Can you fall in love with anyone?  More than 20 years ago, psychologist Arthur Aron made two strangers fall in love in his laboratory by asking them 36 questions. Writer Mandy Len Catron tried out the 36 questions with a guy she barely knew. Now they’re in love.  

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Contemplating the multiverse is mind-blowing, but if you want a truly earth-shattering controversy in physics, you have to go back 500 years to Copernicus' radical theory.  Dava Sobel tells his story.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Physicist Leonard Mlodinow and spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra debate their conflicting worldviews on science and the origins of consciousness.

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali may be the world’s most famous critic of Islam. Born a Muslim, Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands where she eventually became a member of Parliament...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ben Kilham raises orphan bear cubs and then releases them into the wild.  Steve Paulson visits Kilham at his home in New Hampshire.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor says we're now living in "a secular age," but we're still trying to figure out what a post-religious world looks like, and how we can find meaning in a culture without any over-arching purpose.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Physicist Michio Kaku's Dangerous Idea? A virtual "library of souls."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Yates’ debut novel was “Revolutionary Road,” which Kurt Vonnegut hailed as “The Great Gatsby” of its time...


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