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European leaders are once again trying to hash out an agreement with Greece to resolve its debt crisis. If a deal isn’t reached, Greece could leave, or be removed from, the Eurozone. That could trigger an even bigger crisis—one that could easily spill over to the U.S.  British historian Adam Tooze says this is about the future of Europe, the ongoing struggles of capitalist economies, and the fate of the American Empire.


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The science world is buzzing about the discovery confirming the Big Bang. Here's our extended interview with Lawrence Krauss about how something could come from nothing.

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Joseph Lekuton was born in Kenya to a tribe of Maasai nomads. Later, he came to America and eventually got a master’s in educational policy from Harvard.

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Keith Donohue's novel is "The Stolen Child." He tells Jim Fleming the book's about a boy who's stolen by fairies and the boy who replaces him in the human world.

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Najla Said is many things: actress, playwright, author. She’s also a Palestinian-Lebanese-Christian-Arab-American who grew up on New York’s Jewish Upper West Side. And she’s the daughter of the late Edward Said –the famous Palestinian intellectual and activist.   

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Paul Beatty recommends a novel by German-Jewish Holocaust survivor Edgar Hilsenrath.

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Marilyn Johnson talks about how librarians are emerging as heroes of the digital age because of their love for the written word, free speech and open access.

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Films about the cold war were a staple of the American film industry for decades, symbols of the Atomic Age.


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