
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matt Haimovitz tells Steve Paulson why he plays music that goes so far beyond the standard repertoire, and why he plays it in bars and coffeehouses as well as concert halls.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Raja Shehadeh is a Palestinian lawyer who's written a memoir called "Strangers in the House: Coming of Age in Occupied Palestine."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The East Village Opera Company gives the traditional operatic repertory an extreme musical make-over, re-imagining arias as popular songs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Doucet is the founder of the pioneering, Grammy Award-winning Cajun band, BeauSoleil. He also has an extensive background in arts education.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nick Cook tells Steve Paulson that there seems to be something called zero point energy. Once we build the technology to master  it, we’ll solve all our energy problems.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Laurie Notaro tells Jim Fleming about her Mom’s toxic Christmas trees, and what it took to make her take her own tree down.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Taking pictures of war is complicated. The late philosopher Susan Sontag thought a lot about the moral implications of taking and looking at photos of human conflict. She wrote a classic book on the subject, called “Regarding the Pain of Others.”  We're revisiting our interview with her, about how to see and think about photography.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What do you do when your buddy in high school turns out to be the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer?


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